Dr Dina Rubinfeld MBBS FRANZCOG COGU DDU Obstetric imaging specialist Dina is a subspecialist in O&G ultrasound and provides her expertise to our multidisciplinary Fetal Clinic.
Dr Kate Stone MBBS FRANZCOG DDU COGU Obstetric imaging specialist Kate is a subspecialist in O&G ultrasound and has a special interest in imaging the fetal brain.
Dorothy Jones Sonographer Dorothy is a highly experienced obstetric sonographer who performs scans in our multidisciplinary clinics.
Dr Lucy Hennington MBBS FRANZCR Radiologist Lucy is a radiologist with a particular interest in fetal neurology and fetal MRI.
Dr Michael Bethune MBBS FRANZCOG DDU COGU Obstetric imaging specialist Michael has a special interest in fetal brain imaging and ultrasound markers of chromosome abnormalities.
Dr Shawn Choong MBBCh BAO FRANZCOG COGU DDU Obstetric imaging specialist Shawn is a subspecialist in O&G ultrasound and is a skilled ultrasound proceduralist.