Caroline Homer is a Professor of Midwifery and Co-Director of Child and Adolescent Health at the Burnet Institute. She has an international reputation as a scholar and leader in maternal and newborn health care and service delivery. She is also an outstanding speaker, and we are privileged to have her as our guest speaker this Twilight, tackling the topic of ‘Equality, equity and justice in maternal and perinatal health’.
Dr Clare Whitehead is the Perinatal Fellow Royal Women's Hospital and Senior Lecturer at University of Melbourne. She has worked in Scotland, Melbourne, Adelaide and Toronto, and we are delighted to have her back with us in Melbourne. She is going to give us an update of ‘COVID in Pregnancy: where are we now?’ but is also going to address the inequity of pregnant women being excluded from the majority of therapeutic trials; ‘Protection from harm or harm from protection? Inequity in access to clinical research’.
Plus, we will have a few other snapshots from the trenches like ‘Inequity in Monochorionic Twins’.
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