Dr Michael Bethune, Obstetric Ultrasound Specialist will be speaking on the ultrasound assessment of short long bones. As frequent attendees of Twilight will attest, Michael is a super speaker- clear, organised and easy to follow. This is a relatively common dilemma in the ultrasound department, and getting the call right is absolutely crucial.
Prof Ravi Savarirayan, Medical Geneticist leads the Clinical Genetics, Musculoskeletal Research Group at the Murdoch. Ravi is an international leader in the diagnosis and classification of skeletal dysplasias, and will provide some perspective on the ‘Diagnosis and management of skeletal dyplasia: what to say, what tests to do, how to counsel families’.
Prof Margaret Zacharin, Paediatric Endocrinologist will address ‘Treating short stature’ (and everything else you wanted to know about paediatric endocrinology!). For everyone who wanted to know ‘what happens after the 6 week visit?’, this talk will address how these children are managed during infancy, childhood and adolescence.